Set 2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English With Solution

In this article I have provided you the Set 2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English With Solution. Before that, I believe you have already practiced the Set-1 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English. In that article I have given you the comparison table to know your IQ ability. Please practice Set-1 before this test. I suggest not to jump the test set. In this article I have provided you the Set 2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English With Solution.

About Set 2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English

This is based in the syllabus designed by Karnali Pradesh Loksewa Aayog for the post of Karnali pradesh 5th level Syllabus (administration/Audit/Account). You will see 20 IQ questions in the first examination of Karnali 5th level with 1 marks each. If you score better in marks in IQ, you will be benefited.

This set includes questions from Verbal, Non-verbal, and Number reasoning. The common topics are Series, Analogy, Classification, Matrix, Direction and Distance, Time and Work, Average, Percentage, Ratio, Water image, Mirror image, Sitting Arrangement, Ven-diagram, and so on. If you want to practice more, you can visit to, which is very famous website to practice IQ. But this website does not have set practice based on syllabus.

At the last I have provided answer key and explanation or solution.

Set-2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali

Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali Set-2

How to use:

  • Wait until the questions are fully loaded
  • Set timer of 18 Minutes.
  • Click on the arrow to turn the pages.

I would like to recommend you to practice Set-1 IQ Question first.

karnali 5th iq set 2 Nepali


Set-2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali

How to use:

  • Wait until the questions are fully loaded
  • Set timer of 18 Minutes.
  • Click on the arrow to turn the pages.

Have you practiced IQ Practice Set-1 first ?

karnali 5th iq set 2 english


Answer Key and Solution of Set 2 Karnali 5th IQ Question in Nepali & English

  1. A
    Explanation : Initial Profit=SP-CP
    If SP Doubled, New Profit= 2SP-CP (which is three times of initial profit)
    3 * (SP-CP)= 2SP-CP
    By solving SP=2CP, which means if CP=1, SP is 2. Hence Profit Percentage is 100%
  2. D
  3. C
    Explanation: Jan 1 2007 is Monday
    Jan 1 2008 is Tuesday
    Jan 1 2009 is Thursday (Adjusting the leap year i.e. Feb 29th of 2008)
    Jan 1 2010 is Friday.
  4. C
    Explanation: Weight Increased = 8*2.5=20
    Weight of  new man = 20+65=85
  5. C
    A can do 1/4 work in 1 hour
    B+C can do 1/3 work in 1 hour
    A+C can do 1/2 work in 1 hour
    B can do [1/3-(1/2-1-4)] = 1/12 work in 1 hour
    B alone take 12 hours to complete the work
  6. C
    Explanation: Difference between the ration of C and D is 1 and the different amount is by 1000 which means 1 unit is equals to Rs.1000.
    For B, 2*1000=2000
  7. D
    Explanation: Decreased by 0.4
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C
    Explanation: In the morning shadow is on west, Vishal is facing South, and Udaya is facing North, then the condition is satisfied.
  11. D
    Hint: In circle, please carefully identify the right or left direction. It is not as easy as in the line.
  12. D
    Explanation: +1,+2+2
  13. D
    Explanation: 65 is not divisible by 7 but rest are divisible.
  14. 3
    Explanation: Square is rotating clock wise by 45 degree, whereas circles are rotating anti clock wise by 45 degree.
  15. B
  16. C
    Explanation: Shaded Figure is exchanged with the middle.
  17. A
    Look at the row, the central part of first figure rotates either 90o CW or 90o ACW. Also, in each row, there are 3 types of side elements – rectangles, circles and triangles
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B
    Explanation: Shading in upper side. Remember, the figure is A but the right option is B because figure A is in option B.

Author is a Gazetted Employee at Government of Nepal. He has been blogging about educational topics and research work since 2023.

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